The LabEx organizes and sponsors various scientific events.
Congresses organization
- CHARMMMAT organizes an annual scientific meeting to gather its members aroud invited speakers by the various resarch axis. Projects than are supported by the LabEx also present their results in oral an poster presentations.
- October 2012: kick-off meeting at Gif-sur-Yvette
- November 2013: 1st meeting at Ecole Polytechnique
- June 2014: 2nd meeting at ENS Cachan
- July 2015: 3rd meeting at IUT d'Orsay
- July 2016: 4th meeting at UVSQJuly 2016: 4th meeting at UVSQ
- "2nd Meeting on Catalysis of Paris Saclay” (April 28-29 2014)
- "1st Workshop on Materials for Optics and Optoelectronics"
- "3rdMeeting on Catalysis of Paris Saclay” (2017)
Organization and participation to thematic schools and training actions
- The training axis organizes the "CHARMMMAT Catalysis School" for the PhD students of the LabEx with the participation of 3/4 invited speakers. The students present their work in oral and poster sessions.
- "Ecole de Catalyse CHARMMMAT 2015" à Valencey
- "Ecole de Catalyse CHARMMMAT 2017" à Cabourg
- "The second "Vietnam-France school in Pharmaceutical Chemistry" October 24-28 2016 in HoChiMinh, Vietnam: 6 member of the LabEx gave talks.
- Annual Meeting of the 2MIB doctorate school (Chemistry doctorate school of University Paris Saclay; 2015 and 2016)
- Chemistry Challenge 2017
- Chemistry Challenge 2016
- Sponring for the edition of the book "Photophysique et Photochimie Des fondements aux Applications"
Local and National Congresses sponsoring
- 2017 Spring meeting of the Organic Chemistry Division of the SCF. CHARM3AT Conference: Bernard FERINGA (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) 2016 Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry
- GECOM Concoord 2107 (May 2017)
- 7th French Symposium on Total Synthesis (june 2017)
- “Journées de Chimie Organiques” 2016 (JCO2106) (September 2016)
- GECO57: Groupe d'Etude en Chimie Organique (August 2016)
- ElecMol'16 (August 2016)
- ICCC 2016: 42nd International Congress on Coordination Chemistry (July 2016)
- Workshop on Energy of University Paris-Saclay (2016)
- GECO56: Groupe d'Etude en Chimie Organique (June 2015)
- 14th ICSN Symposium (June 2015)
- Paris Saclay Rare Earth Meeting (June 2015)
- Workshop on crystal growth and high pressure (November 2015)