You are a researcher
Industrial valorization
- When you have a scientific results you want to disseminate, you must ask yourself about potential industrial valorization. It exists various types of valorization processes:
- Protection through intellectual property (e.g. patenting)
- Maturation (up to proof of concept) and feasibility study
- Economic study coupled with a market study: evaluation of the technology, possible market, identification of potential industrial partners
- How to present the product and its promotion
- Operate-transfer
- Valorization of patents
- Consulting
- Business creation
- Licensing
- Stake acquisition in a business
If you have questions, you can get help from the valorization service from your University. The local correspondents are:
- Delphine Marcillac, École Polytechnique,
- Grégory Peignon, Université de Paris Sud,
- Benoît Dardelet, CNRS/Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles,
- Emmanuel Cousin, CEA/Direction Science du Vivant/Ibitec, Valo),
- Christian Hamon, ENS Paris Saclay,
- Patricia Verwaerde, CNRS-Délégation Ile-de-France Est pour l'aspect application/valorisation des résultats de recherche académique,
- Université de Versailles Saint Quentin,
- Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne,
- Ecole Centrale.
Expertise or collaboration
There are other ways to valorization which are expertise or collaboration contract. In those cases, it is necessary to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) at the start of the exchanges with confidentiality clauses.
Your local correspondent for valorization can help you.