Actualités du LabEx
Visite du Pr. Barry Thompson
Le LabEx CHARMMMAT accueille le Pr Barry Thompson (University of Southern California - Dept of Chemistry)
Quatre séminaires sont prévus :
- Understanding the Role of Organic Alloys in Polymer-Fullerene Ternary Blend Solar Cells
- Optimization of Direct Arylation Polymerization (DArP) through the Identification and Control of Defects in Polymer Structure
- Fine-Tuning Electronic and Physical Properties with Random and Semi-Random Conjugated Polymers
- Optimization and Simplification of Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells through Polymer and Active Layer Design
Le prochain séminaire aura lieu mardi 3 Mai à 15h à l'ILV-UVSQ, en salle de conférences.